Week 3 - People
Barry Chandler
Study of Enterprise Agility Community Lead

Tuesday 20th July 12:30 -14:00 BST
Techstinction – How our use of technology will be the death of us all unless we act now.
Most people accept Climate change is real and threatens the future of us all.
Most people do not realise how their use of technology both socially and in the workplace are responsible for an increasingly significant volume of the worlds Co2 emissions.
In this article I’ll be drawing light on how our tech habits and working practices impact climate change and discuss what we can do now to reduce costs, improve our overall agility and bring us back from the brink of Techstinction.
Having organised DevOpsDays London in 2016, set up his own Enterprise Agility meetup group and conference the following year, Barry has become a leading figure in the UK's Enterprise Agility and DevOps communities.
Spanning a career of over 26 years, he has worked in several different industries as an independent consultant, for consultancies as well as a company employee. Barry has performed many roles over the years including hands on application engineering as well as capacity, stability, development and delivery management. He was also co-chair of Barclays group DevOps community of Practise.